Brokerage Relationships #110491
Fact Sheet for Sellers
Fact Sheet for Sellers
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The National Association of REALTORS recently made a settlement affecting broker commissions, with changes benefiting home sellers. Sellers can still offer compensation to buyer brokers, but should be informed and approve any payments to other brokers. Sellers can provide compensation off-MLS and offer buyer concessions on MLS. These changes will be effective from August 17. The settlement doesn't alter agents' obligation to work in sellers' best interests or the negotiability of agent compensation. The REALTOR Code of Ethics still applies, requiring transparent discussions on compensation. Sellers have various choices and should discuss options with their agents to make informed decisions. More details on these changes can be found at facts.realtor.
NAR settlement
broker commissions
home sellers
buyer brokers
MLS concessions
agent obligations
Code of Ethics
informed decisions
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